Easy Mac and Cheese

One of my favorite dishes is mac and cheese and it tastes even better when you don’t have to cook it yourself. Just get your little minion to do it. (Well I did have to help boil the pasta) For this recipe you only need three ingredients (well the fourth is optional): pasta, plain yogurt…

Nasturtium Capers

If you grew nasturtiums in your garden this year, then you probably have some seeds. Instead of tossing them away or saving them for next year, make some capers. It is a great way to store them and adds a nice zesty bite to your dishes. You will need to start collecting them when before…

Stuffed Date Snacks for Toddlers and Adults

I was looking for a sweet and easy Dragonboat snack for busy festival days. I discovered this stuffed date snack that looks easy and delicious. I found out they are also great for toddler snacks as it includes a sweet treat with some protein. Start by splitting the date in half and removing the pit….

Dandelion Honey

These golden flowers are starting to pop up every where. Why not use them to make some tasty treats and get your kids to pick all the flowers before they turn to seeds and blow everywhere. Just make sure your pick them in a clean location. We picked enough to make a couple different recipes….

Snow Ice Cream

This is the second snow recipe that I have tried this year. I had to take advantage of all snow that we were having. If you haven’t tried my snow candy recipe, try one that too. This recipe is super easy and reminds me of shaved iced dessert. You will need really clean snow for…

Snow Candy

Let is snow! Let it SNOW! Last year it snowed and melted before I had a chance to try this recipe out. This year I finally did and it was fun and tasty. Snow is in the forecast again so hopefully you will be able to try this out . Make sure you have a…

Oreo Pudding Dessert

My son loves oreos and love to bake. We found this recipe that combines the two. Unfortunately he didn’t like this much. This is a simple recipe that combines oreo cookies and chocolate pudding. You can even make this simpler by making instant pudding instead. The first step is to prepare the pudding since you…

Smash Cake

We celebrated my son’s first birthday with a smash cake. Of course with anything I give him, I try to make it healthier by making at home. Here is a recipe that I tried out. Start by beating 4 egg whites (room temperature) with 1/4 teaspoon cream of tartar, 3 tablespoons of granulated sugar and…

Small Batch Shortbread Cookies

As your kids get bigger, you will have more and more playdates. Why not host a baking party. I found a great small batch recipe that could be used for these parties or even if you just want to make a few cookies with your kids. These cookies can be rolled out and cut with…

Dandelion Capers

Its that time of year when flowers and trees start to bloom. Its also that time when we get to forage and look for nature’s little gems. I have been waiting all year to try out this recipe since last year I was too late and missed all of the dandelions blooming. Right now the…