Oven Baked Lemon Chicken

I love the feeling of eating comfort foods. It makes you warm and fuzzy. I discovered this recipe when I was searching for a baked chicken recipe and now I can’t stop making it. Begin by brining a whole chicken for at least 1 day. Learn more about brining by checking out this recipe on…

Barley Tea

I know everyone always says you need to stay hydrated but when I get tired of drinking water I just don’t know what to drink .  I ran into this tea on Pinterest and thought it would be interesting to try. Take some barley toast it in a pan.   The recipe says to use a…

Cricket Flour Scones

Scones are quick and easy but also can be frustrating when they don’t turn out right. I’m still working on perfecting these baked goods but thought I would share a version that I made recently. Give it a try and remember not to give up! Practice makes perfect. The secret to flaky scones is cold…

Apple Pie for 2

Every year on Pi Day (March 14) I make some kind of pie. Fruit pie, meat pie, pizza pie, you name it.  This year I made this simple treat, just enough for a nice dessert.  It is really easy to make and also fun to decorate.  You will need store bought pie shells (or make…

Ketchup Cake

I came across this recipe and thought it would be interesting to try. I was nervous because ketchup was not a typical cake flavour and I was worried it would be overwhelming. There was also mixed reviews for this cake. Not wanting to have huge cake, I decided to make half the recipe. This way,…