Candied Flowers

Flowers are starting to bloom, and foraging is starting to happen. This year I hoped to have more violets growing in my garden but unfortunately, I did not have enough. I picked a few flowers to try in a recipe. Originally, I wanted to try to make jelly, but I needed about 1/2 cup. Instead,…

Nasturtium Capers

If you grew nasturtiums in your garden this year, then you probably have some seeds. Instead of tossing them away or saving them for next year, make some capers. It is a great way to store them and adds a nice zesty bite to your dishes. You will need to start collecting them when before…

Pickled Sea Asparagus

Sea asparagus is a succulent that lives in coastal areas in BC. Sometimes it is called samphire, pickleweed, sea beans or crow’s feet. These succulents are pretty tasty and have a briny flavour. They are great as part of a salad or pan fried in butter. If you have too much of it, you can…

Nasturtium Chips

This year I wanted to plant some nasturtiums as a pollinator attracting plant but also as something edible in the garden. All parts of this flower is edible and has a nice peppery taste like arugula . I accidentally planted one too many plants this year so we have an over abundance of these flowers….

Dandelion Shortbread Cookies

This is my second dandelion recipe this year. If you haven’t seen the dandelion honey post then go to that post to see how I prepared the dandelion flowers. Dandelion Honey This recipe is just like any shortbread cookie recipe. You need flour, butter and sugar. The dandelion petals add a nice yellow color but…

Dandelion Honey

These golden flowers are starting to pop up every where. Why not use them to make some tasty treats and get your kids to pick all the flowers before they turn to seeds and blow everywhere. Just make sure your pick them in a clean location. We picked enough to make a couple different recipes….

Sauteed Hosta Shoots

Last year I marked my calendar to remind myself to find these before they were gone. I have a foraging note book that keeps track of when to find these treasures. I have been on the hunt for young pinecones, violets, purple dead nettle and lilac. My goal this year is to try to find…

Dandelion Capers

Its that time of year when flowers and trees start to bloom. Its also that time when we get to forage and look for nature’s little gems. I have been waiting all year to try out this recipe since last year I was too late and missed all of the dandelions blooming. Right now the…