Molecular Gastronomy Part 1

A couple of month ago I went to a Molecular Gastronomy class with a  couple of my coworkers. They featured the Molecular R kit I’ve always been curious about molecular gastronomy since I saw it featured in a recipe on the food channel and this was the perfect chance to get some instruction on how to…

Science and Gummy Worms

Molecular gastronomy is still growing. There are more and more recipes that involve food and science. Using what we know about the physical and chemical changes of food to create mind blowing dishes. Here is a simple recipe to get you intrigued with molecular gastronomy. This technique is also used to create fake caviar. The two…

Red Cabbage Science! and Green Eggs and Ham

Some fruits and vegetables contain natural indicators. Indicators are substances that can detect changes in properties such as pH. Examples of natural edible pH indicators include blueberries, beets, onions, curry and cherries. These indicators change colour depending on the pH of the solution. My favourite pH indicator is red cabbage. It is easily found in…