3 Day Detox with Dr Oz

smoothie detox

Dr.Oz’s 3 Day Detox cleanse.

I have been struggling with eczema for years and have trying many things to see if it will help.  Right now I have been trying Omega 3-6-9 supplements and increasing my multivitamin intake.  I thought it was time for a good cleanse. It is not like I eat unhealthy. I eat vegetables daily (from my garden! woohoo), I have a green smoothie with my dinner and limit my sugar intake. I try not to eat much pasta and bread or other processed foods. I have been watching my diet as I know sugar and alcohol triggers my eczema.  I know these quick cleanses is not a long term fix for my eczema but I believe they do help.  It helps give your liver time to heal itself from all the overindulgence. I thought I would be hungry doing this smoothie detox but the recipes are quite filling and you can have snack smoothies throughout the day.


Start your mornings with a nice cup of green tea and slice of lemon.  Yes this is a math mug.  I was feeling quite mathy this morning.  I skipped the stevia in my tea since I do not like the taste of stevia.  I know lemons are very good for cleansing your liver.  Green tea is full of antioxidants.

smoothie detoxFor the breakfast smoothie, blend 1 cup water, 1 tbsp ground flax seeds, 1 cup raspberries, 1 banana, 1/4 cup spinach (I used 1 blocks frozen spinach), 1 tbsp almond butter and 1 tsp lemon (I used juice of 1/2 a lemon).  Out of all the smoothies, this was my favorite. I would definitely do this one again.

smoothie detox

A trick to make a really good smoothie is to have an awesome blender.  Too bad mine isn’t one of those awesome blenders.  I first start with the frozen berries and spinach.  Blend them with some water at the fastest setting you have.  Make sure that it is smooth.  You don’t want any spinach chunks.

smoothie detox

smoothie detox

Next you can add all the rest of your ingredients.  I usually ripen a bunch of bananas and freeze them when they get brown.  Then I have plenty of backup bananas in the freezer for my smoothies. Over ripe bananas give the most flavor to smoothies. This recipe gives you about a 16 oz cup.

smoothie detox

smoothie detox

The lunch smoothie was the hardest to drink. It was the definition of liquid salad.  You get about 2  16 oz cups.  For this smoothie, cut up 4 celery stalks, 1 cucumber, 1 cup kale, 1/2 green apple, 1/2 lime, 1 tbsp coconut oil, 1/2 cup almond milk (unsweetened), and 1 cup pineapple. A trick to add coconut oil to smoothies is to melt it in the microwave first. Then you won’t have those grainy chunks.

smoothie detox

smoothie detox

Blend this smoothie in parts. It is a lot with a small amount of liquid.  smoothie detoxI thought I would include a small tutorial on how to cut a pineapple. I learned this when I was quite young from my dad.

First cut off the top and bottom of your pineapple. This make a pineapple look like a cylinder (math time).smoothie detoxPlace the pineapple cylinder with the flat face on the bottom. Slice the sides off.

smoothie detox
Math fact: You know the spiral around the pineapple?  It makes a Fibonacci series.  http://www.qedcat.com/archive/75.html

Cut out wedges along the diagonal, as there are hard bits along it. Start with one side of the pineapple and keep rotating until you make your way around the entire pineapple.

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smoothie detox

When you are done, cut the pineapple in quarters to remove the core.

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smoothie detox

Then you can slice the pineapple in pieces.smoothie detox

Blend all the ingredients together in your smoothie. It is a rather thick smoothie. I ate mine with a spoon like soup. I think next time I might just eat this as a salad.

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smoothie detox

The dinner smoothie is quite interesting since you add cayenne pepper to it. It was pretty good with a spicy kick.  You will need 1 cup blueberries, 1/2 cup mango, 1 1/2 cup coconut water, 1 cup kale, 1 tbsp lemon juice, 1/4 avocado, 1/4 tsp cayenne pepper, and 1 tbsp ground flax seeds.

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smoothie detox

Blend this all in the blender. You will get about 2  16 oz cups.

smoothie detox

You are allowed an afternoon snack of your favorite smoothie which is helpful if you feel hungry. Overall I think this detox gives you enough variety  that it keeps you interested.  It is great for those hot summer days when you just don’t feel like eating.  Unfortunately I failed this detox because I cooked dinner for my parents…… I had pasta with cheese sauce…. awwww ya cheese sauce and went out to lunch with my grandpa. I think I might try this smoothie detox again one day.

smoothie detox


Smoothie update: I tried this detox again. I can definitely say I did feel full from all the smoothie, but I was not satisfied… no carbs. I think it was the lack of fat and calories in this detox. My friend who also tried this with me got a migraine the next day. Not sure if that was a detox sign or not.  I don’t think I would do this again since I was craving for so many things.  I felt a lack of energy and didn’t feel satisfied. I would rather go on the Wild Rose Cleanse for two weeks then do this smoothie detox again.

Check out other recipes on our blog https://eatitnoworeatitlater.com/recipe-list/

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